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Catapulting Out Of Change Audience: Employees Topic: Adapt to change

Pam Lasier

Bottom Line: Improve employee responsiveness to change.

Employees more easily adapt to change when organizations focus on the self-care of their employees. By the end of this program, participants will have the knowledge and tools to become more adaptable to change.

Industry Problems

When impacted by change, employees are more than twice as likely to suffer from chronic stress, high anxiety, and low morale. They have less trust in their leaders, experience low levels of job satisfaction, and are three times more likely to look for a new employee.

Program Benefits

  • Build emotional resilience.

  • Improve morale and long-term stability.

  • Stop negative thought cycles, avoid catastrophic thinking, and reframe how to view problems and challenges.

  • Recognize and identify the causes of stress and successfully manage stressors.

  • Create a healthy lifestyle plan.

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Staying Sane Through Change Audience: Leadership Topic: Peak Performance

Pam Lasier

Bottom Line: Help leaders maintain peak performance.

An increasing number of organizations are neglecting the self-care needs of its leaders. At the end of this program, leaders will have a comprehensive and innovative plan to develop mental toughness and achieve and maintain peak performance so that they can successfully drive change.

Industry Problems

Since one of the biggest obstacles for organizations today is the failure to adapt to change, leaders must have increasingly higher levels of innate mental toughness. Ensuring that an organizations leadership is agile, resilient and mentally tough requires a focused effort that must begin with addressing the self-care needs of its leaders - mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Program Benefits

  • Pinpoint habits that need to change to prevent burnout and breakdown. Identify triggers prompting those behaviors.

  • Increase mental strength by demonstrating how to turn inward, be non-reactive and visualize success.

  • Set a good example of embracing optimism, crucial for developing mental toughness.

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Business NOT-As-Usual Audience: Leadership Topic: Communication

Pam Lasier

Bottom Line: Create clear, consistent communication.

Industry Problems

Leaders struggle to communicate a shared vision at all levels of the organization, especially during times of change. They lack empathy, and they show little regard to the importance of a strong culture with a thriving sense of community.

Program Benefits

Design a powerful shared vision with distinct goals. | Successfully connect others to shared vision by communication it top down, bottom up, and in every direction. | Build a strong sense of community, a culture where people feel listen to and valued.

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Land Strong & Right-Side Up Audience: Everyone Topic: Rethinking Failure

Pam Lasier

Bottom Line: Capitalize on individual and team strengths.

Industry Problems

When people use their strengths they are more engaged, perform better, and are less likely to leave their company. Today, many companies struggle to take advantage of and receive the full benefit from the shared strengths of their leadership team and those of their employees.

Program Benefits

Identify personal strengths. | Define the strengths of others. Build a network of strengths experts and advocates. | Employ tactics to ensure teams are assembled with each individual’s innate talents in mind. | Focus on engaging shared strengths to stay fired-up during change.